월요일, 10월 09, 2006

About JeongDongJin

This is JeongDongJin's picture.
It is famous for sunrising but it's located near the
east sea. From my house, it's too far to go there.
So I have never been there. As people say,
it is the most popular sighseeing resorts in Korea.
Many people visit here every year.
And families usually visit here to see sunup.
Its sunup is so beautiful.
I heard from the internet website and the news.
I'll try to visit this place sometimes.

댓글 2개:

John :

Hi! James~~~
Cheer up~~~ You can do it~~
I will pray for you.^^

Andrew :


I love you.

You will meet good girl.

Forget it!!

You are handsome!

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