월요일, 10월 16, 2006

About Haeinsa

This is a picture of Haeinsa. Involve bulguksa,
this is the most popular temple. In this place,
you should be silent and quiet. If someone makes a noisy in this place, it's very impolite and rude.
And building is so classical and beautiful.
Also in this place, the Tripitaka Koreana is here.
It's about eighty thousand blocks.
A foreigner says it's a good place to learn about an ancient treasure. It's easy to see traditional korean temple.
I've been to there last winter with my family and relatives. (The person who is in the picture is not me..He is one of my relatives)

댓글 2개:

Lauren :

Hi~ I'm Lauren.

I finished my blog work.

Do you envy me? kkkkk

I think this person who is in this photo is you, but........

good luck your test tomorrow.

Byron :

Hi~how was your midterm exam?
I was so interested. haha -_-;;
Anyway,keep making your blog
as now.

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