월요일, 12월 04, 2006

About DoBongSan

This is a mountain which is located near my home. So I used to climb this mountain every Sunday with my father.
But now, I become a lazy person so I rarely go
to this mountain . It's so sad, but I'll try it this month. Anyway, it has so many top names,
so I was confused everytime.
And also, there are so many restaurants under the mountain. So you can eat any food you want.
I recommend you to eat uncurdled bean curd.

일요일, 11월 26, 2006

About NakSanSa

This is also a famous temple in Korea.
It's located in Kang-Won. In this temple,
it has so many tops and bells.
And also it has a tall stone tower.
It looks like a real Buddha.
Many buddhists visit here every year. But it was
destroyed by someone's fire.
I was so embarrassed at that time. And it made
me upset. But I am happy to hear that it will return to the former condition.

About KyungPoDae

This is a turret located in an East sea.
I don't know exactly about this.
So I found the content about this turret on the website.
And it is so traditional and classical. And also beach is located near here.
Every year, many people visit the beach.
After swimming, people used to visit here and
see this turret. I've been to East sea many times. But I don't know this turret exactly.
If I go there, I want to visit here.

목요일, 11월 23, 2006

About ChumSungDae

ChumSungDae is an observatory in Silla.
It is made of a stone and its height is 9.17 meters.
It's located in the Kyung-Ju. And also many people visit here to see this traditional observatory.
It is the oldest observatory in the world.
It was used to see stars in the sky.
I saw this place during the study tour.
I've been this place two times when I was in a middle school and a high school.
When I saw this, I felt that our ancestors were very skillful at that time.
It's unforgettable experience to me.

월요일, 10월 23, 2006

About Dokdo

This is a picture of Dokdo.
It's our island but Japan claims that this island is
theirs, I was angry about it.
It's nonsense absolutely.
Anyway, it's located the eastward.
It's famous for wheat-Gluten.
And Ullung Island is located near here.
I've never been to there and I want to visit here
in the future. Many birds live here and beautiful places are located in here. I saw it in the newspaper. I think Dokdo is the most clean place in the Korea.

월요일, 10월 16, 2006

About Haeinsa

This is a picture of Haeinsa. Involve bulguksa,
this is the most popular temple. In this place,
you should be silent and quiet. If someone makes a noisy in this place, it's very impolite and rude.
And building is so classical and beautiful.
Also in this place, the Tripitaka Koreana is here.
It's about eighty thousand blocks.
A foreigner says it's a good place to learn about an ancient treasure. It's easy to see traditional korean temple.
I've been to there last winter with my family and relatives. (The person who is in the picture is not me..He is one of my relatives)

월요일, 10월 09, 2006

About JeongDongJin

This is JeongDongJin's picture.
It is famous for sunrising but it's located near the
east sea. From my house, it's too far to go there.
So I have never been there. As people say,
it is the most popular sighseeing resorts in Korea.
Many people visit here every year.
And families usually visit here to see sunup.
Its sunup is so beautiful.
I heard from the internet website and the news.
I'll try to visit this place sometimes.

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