월요일, 10월 23, 2006

About Dokdo

This is a picture of Dokdo.
It's our island but Japan claims that this island is
theirs, I was angry about it.
It's nonsense absolutely.
Anyway, it's located the eastward.
It's famous for wheat-Gluten.
And Ullung Island is located near here.
I've never been to there and I want to visit here
in the future. Many birds live here and beautiful places are located in here. I saw it in the newspaper. I think Dokdo is the most clean place in the Korea.

월요일, 10월 16, 2006

About Haeinsa

This is a picture of Haeinsa. Involve bulguksa,
this is the most popular temple. In this place,
you should be silent and quiet. If someone makes a noisy in this place, it's very impolite and rude.
And building is so classical and beautiful.
Also in this place, the Tripitaka Koreana is here.
It's about eighty thousand blocks.
A foreigner says it's a good place to learn about an ancient treasure. It's easy to see traditional korean temple.
I've been to there last winter with my family and relatives. (The person who is in the picture is not me..He is one of my relatives)

월요일, 10월 09, 2006

About JeongDongJin

This is JeongDongJin's picture.
It is famous for sunrising but it's located near the
east sea. From my house, it's too far to go there.
So I have never been there. As people say,
it is the most popular sighseeing resorts in Korea.
Many people visit here every year.
And families usually visit here to see sunup.
Its sunup is so beautiful.
I heard from the internet website and the news.
I'll try to visit this place sometimes.

About Seokguram cave

This is the most famous cave in Korea.
It is located in Kyung-Ju.
I have been there when I was in Elementry school.
It was unforgettable experience to me.
Many people visit this place and buy a souvenir.
This cave is very mysterious.
That statue is made of stone. Many people say that it's
amazing and fantastic. And I think so too.
I want to visit this place once again in the future with my family.

My video

This is my video. I added a several scenes because of lack of time.
It's fun and interesting. Thank you for Jake John and Andrew.

I'll explain about video story..Andrew , John, Jake visit James's university.

They walked around the campus and watched many things. (Dormitory, restaurant and a

fountain). And they arrived in Samuel Hall. After they watched the Samuel hall, Andrew had a


He said that he have to go home now, so he had gone. After walk around the campus, Jake and

John also want to go home.

So they rode a special car kekeke . I focused on funny and interesting mainly.

Please enjoy this video and have a fun..keke

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